Welcome To

Zayed Hassan World

Problem Solver and Traveller

I very much love to solve programming problems. Still I am a beginner problem solver & continuously learning new techniques. I solve programming problems with various languages like C, C++ and Python. You can visit my codeforces profile. My codeforces handle is Z4YED.

I love exploring new places. Recenly I have travelled in Cox's Bazar. It's one of the best tourist spot in Bangladesh and it is the largest beach in the world. I visited there with my friends & enjoyed a lot.

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Big Dream

A Full Stack Web Developer

A few days ago, my center of interests was in BackEnd Development. I have learned the Basics of Django Framework. All of my projects are available in my GitHub account. Meanwhile, I have learned the basic of Javascript. Then I have decided to continue my learning with MERN stack.

My initial goal is the learn the html, css and javascipt basics. After that I will try to learn MongoDB, ExpressJS, React and Node. I hope this is going to be a tremendous journey for myself.

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My Experiences

MERN Stack Learner

July 2021 - October 2021

I have enrolled in Complete Web Development Course published by Programming Hero. My main responsibility is to Code for 6 to 8 hours a day. The course is initially for 3 months and there is possibility to get chance to learn advance things. I will be develop 11 projects by myself. I hope this is going to be my best investment of all time. This course covers the basics of the following topics: HTML, CSS, BootStrap, Javascript, MongoDB, NodeJs, ExpressJS, Firebase etc.

Software Engineer Intern

October 2020 - December 2020

I got internship opprotunity in Qtec Solution Ltd. as a Django Developer Intern. During my internship period, I have learned a lot of thing from my senior brothers. I have learned how a website works. My responsibilities were to observe other seniors code and implement small small modules. I have also learned basic of GitHub as well as Javascript. After learning Javascipt, My motive has changed to become a Full Stack Javascript Developer.